
I'm P.O.'d

I don't know why but I am in a general statement of discontent and annoyance today. It's not the best thing. Here are a couple of things that have encouraged the feeling.

- It's beautiful outside and I am inside at work
- Some legalistic fundamentalist "Christian" site talked about Donald Miller and how he is going to burn in hell for using a mild swear word. Maybe they will burn in hell for judging. The Bible comes down a lot harder on judging people than potentially coarse language.
- A blog posted some asinine article from some more fundamentalist crap about singleness and it not being okay for people to be single. Don't read the article. It is the biggest waste of time.
- I don't like fundamentalism. (Could you guess?)

Pat Robertson does some really stupid things. Why doesn't he just keep his trap shut rather than continuing to give Christ a bad name for his ridiculous comments? And then he apologizes and lies about what he was recorded saying. A good example of Jesus right there. NOT!! Maybe we should keep Jesus out of politics or at least try not to throw around His name for leverage. That's a worse case of taking the Lord's name in vain than somebody saying 'O my God'.

In a totally unrelated topic, Athlete is playing a show at World Cafe Live in Philadelphia on Wednesday, October 5 at 7:30. Tickets are $19. Anybody want to go. I am looking for a partner in crime to hear some fantastic music.