
Hector and Achilles

Yesterday I had my first free night in about 3.5 weeks. It was so nice. I didn't have to go anywhere. Do you know how relaxing it is to just sit and veg? Wow. I had forgotten. I can honestly say that I feel better today after resting. Maybe resting is a good thing. I guess I should do more of it.

This weekend is a long one and will be nice. I don't have to go back to work till Wednesday. More resting is on par I believe.

I have a question for you all. Do you have any idea how to quicken the healing process for a strained Achilles tendon. It been hurting for about 2 months and is slowing me down. Any ideas are welcome.



The Orioles beat the Yankees last night. Yeah!. Also our softball team won a game.

I really don't have much to say today. Here is something though. Stick up for people. When you see somebody being mistreated say something. Even if it is a little thing it can help that person know that somebody else noticed. That happened to me on Friday and it made a difference. I was in the middle of a crummy situation and somebody noticed and said something. It did not change the situation, but it improve my mood because of a guy sticking up for me in a way. Just because we grow up doesn't mean that we don't need anyone anymore. We still function best with people.

So if you see someone being treated crummily, stick up for them. You may not change the situation, but at the very least the person knows that someone cared enough to say something.


What Dreams May Come

Here is an article that I read and it hit. It is from my favorite magazine, Relevant Magazine.

What are your dreams? Have you given up on them? I currently am in the midst of finding a job and wondering what I should try to do. I have my dreams, everybody does, but how do I go about obtaining them. I want to be a musician full-time. Specifically, I want to be a worship leader. I have a fair voice and am not too bad at the guitar, so I have the ability. I love progressive worship. An example, check these guys out. Anyway, back to topic. Should I try hard to pursue this? Is it something I am destined for? I don't know. All I know is that I love to play and sing. I am in my zone when I am doing music. I feel closer to God when I play. So I don't know.

I don't know where I will end up. I don't know what I will be doing. All I can do is hope and pray it is where God wants me. I would love for it to be my dream.

Reflections of a Weekend that was

1. It was hot.
2. Especially in a suit.
3. D.C. has a great metro system.
4. I wish I had driven into DC on Saturday.
5. It's nice to see friends get married.
6. It's awesome to see friends you haven't seen in a while.
7. It's got to stink when you break your leg.
8. Church softball shouldn't be so competitive that when you have 11 spots and 11 people you don't bench somebody because they aren't that good.
9. I hate technical difficulties.
10. I am a technical difficulty.
11. Shakespeare was a very talented playwright.
12. Henry IV is an interesting play.
13. Cracker Barrel is good.
14. Sunday I was home for 1/2 hour from 6:30 am to 12:30 am
15. The Washington National Cathedral is a beautiful place to have a wedding.
16. The problem with going to a friend's wedding when you haven't seen him in a while is that you don't really get to see him.
17. The two weekends in the 90's in June have been my two wedding weekends.
18. Playing PIG in a pool with a pool basketball hoop and a diving board creates for some interesting shots.


A New Way to be Human

Yesterday was a very frustrating day for me. Part of the issue was that for a few hours last night I was around somebody that seemed to want to tell the correct way to do everything that I was doing. The problem was that I was doing fine with no problems and his suggestions were actually the wrong way to do things. Why do some people seem very critical and eager to give you their opinion even if they don't know what they are talking about?

In my own usual way, I started to think about this and wonder if I do it to people. I am sure that there are times that I do although I don't mean to. If you see me doing this, let me know.

I think that this speaks to a larger issue of how we treat people. What is our intent when talking to people is it to uplift them and help them or is it to make ourselves look better. I need to be more careful of this. Looking out for others is a much better way to go about life than trying boost yourself up. Not only that, but it is what God calls us to do. So next time don't criticize, be kind and loving in your words. They mean a lot to people.


Back, Back, Back and it's not Playable

I have not talked sports in a while so I will take today to do so.

The Spurs and Pistons NBA Finals series has gone to a game 7. The Pistons have fought hard and have a chance to win. Not a great one, but a chance. A couple of the games have even been very enjoyable to watch. Anyway, GO PISTONS!! I hope that they repeat this year.

In baseball, my lowly Baltimore Orioles are still in first place in the American League east. They lose a little of their lead bit by bit, but have manage to hold on to a small lead. This is way better than I have expected them to do. Hopefully when some of the guys come off of injuries, the O's will pick it back up. Props to the Nationals for being in first place in their division. Give them some fans and look what they can do.

Football is only a couple of months away and shall be greatly enjoyable to watch. This is the last year that Monday Night Football is on network television. That is horrible. I can't believe it and don't know why ABC gave it up since it was one of their highest rated shows. In College Football the question will be whether or not anyone can beat USC. We shall see.


What are your gifts?

I have been thinking lately about talents that we as individuals have and what we do with them. How do we use our gifts that we have been given? Do we use them for our own glory or to help others? I have talents in many different things and I try not to use them do make myself feel better. Sometimes I do though. One of those 'Look at me!, Look at me!' Whether it is something as simple as enjoying talking to people or something that takes a lot of skill, we need to be thinking about how to help others even if we have to diminish ourselves to do it.

This past weekend I worked on the sound team at my church. Usually when I do this, I am in charge or working alone. This weekend I was the helper. This was an adjustment for me and I wasn't real thrilled with it because I thought I knew better. Then I realized something. It didn't matter whether or not I knew better, that wasn't why I was supposed to be there. I was there to simply help. I had to adjust my attitude and just help. Luckily I was able to, but it could have been very miserable if I had chosen not to. Sometimes I don't and it's not good. So, help other people with your gifts, not just yourself.

In other completely other direction, these are some groups I have been listening to lately. Check them out if you want: Travis, U2, Taylor Sorensen, Athlete, the Beatles, Jeremy Camp, the Desperation band, David Crowder Band. Just some ideas.


Reflections of a Weekend 8

1. Who needs sleep?
2. 'Batman Begins' was awesome (multiple watches in the theatre awesome)
3. 'The Longest Yard' was entertaining, rental worthy, yet entertaining
4. Mr and Mrs. Smith was disappointing, still worth the rental though
5. If you get the chance, go visit Gettysburg, PA
6. I like my dad
7. You would think that in a large, new church building, I would be able to find a 9 volt battery.
8. I won a bet I thought for sure that I would lose
9. Drive-ins are a novelty, but what's the big deal?
10. Gifford Pinchot state park is better than Codorus state park
11. 'Batman Begins' was awesome
12. I drink a LOT of water
13. I am glad that I have yet to lock my keys in my car
14. I got a hit in softball and played in the field, WOW
15. Church softball is about building relationships, not winning, losing or playing
16. I wish I was going to California this week
17. People will let you down sometimes, they're human
18. Is a bag of chips free when you paid for the meal that it came with?
19. Sweet misery of love


A plethera of items

It's Father's Day this Sunday. Don't forget.

I saw 'Hitch' last night. It was pretty good. I am glad that I watched it. Will Smith was his usual very entertaining self. They wrote his character really well. Kevin James was also quite funny. I am glad that I did not see it in the theater though. It wouldn't have been worth the $8. Still I would recommend it to anyone.

Andy Hunter is coming out with a new album soon. It is already out in England but will be here on the 28th.

How well do your friends know you? Do they understand the different levels of you? If you disguise something a bit, do they still understand? Mine don't always. I have noticed this recently. Oh well, we can't expect our friends to be perfect. We should just be glad that they are there for us.

Here is something to chew on from Phillipians 2:3: ...in humility consider others better than yourselves. Do you do this? I know I don't. I am many times to concerned with making myself look good. Something I need to work on.


The x's and y's of 'X & Y'

Well, here it is. After three years Coldplay has decided to release another album. This time it is produced by Brian Eno of U2 fame. Let me start by saying this is a very good album. I like it from beginning to end. I didn't need it to grow on me, but liked it from the start. In fact, I have liked it more the more I have listened to it.

A question you may ask is if it sounds like their other ones. The answer is yes, although I will say that the whole album doesn't sound as much like their old stuff as the current single 'Speed of Sound' does. Speed of Sound seems like it came right out of "Rush of Blood to the Head". This is why the album is not great, but just very good. The drummer is as solid as ever with his what seem to be simple but complex drum beats. He has a great ear for different. The guitar is much more interesting on this album as opposed to the last two. It seems like as a band they have really grown musically. The song styles are much the same a lyrically don't stray far from their usual. They did some great things with some off key fighting chords that just work beautifully together. The oddest song for me was 'The Hardest Part'. It is a very poppy song towards the end of the album. It just caught me off guard with its American Pop feel.

I did not like the synths that Brian Eno used. He has done it with U2 also. I don't understand why they don't actually use an orchestra. It would sound so much better. But with that being one of my few complaints for this album, I shall be happy.

The pearl on this album is the 'Hidden Song', track 13. 'Til Kingdom Come' was a song that was written for Johny Cash. When he passed away, it never got recorded. Coldplay decided that they would record it for this album. It is nothing like they have ever done which is great. It has a folksy acoustic feel. A beautifully simple song. Wow. So I encourage you to buy this if you have liked Coldplay's previous efforts. It will not disappoint. A solid record from a solid band.


Here I am again, In this place again...

Well, it has been a while. It has become much harder to blog due to my lack of a computer at work. I have moved on to some temp grunt work. I need a job. But, anyway, I am still very busy, but must find the time to get to the library or somewhere to write. I made it today and I am here to pose a question. Is it wrong to be lonely? Is it an ungodly feeling?

I say NO. When we are lonely we are usually aching for human companionship. This is not something everyone helps. Anybody can be lonely in any situation. I know I am sometimes. I also believe that it can be viewed as wrong to think such things. But I propose that you can still be fine with God and be lonely. We don't always have close human companionship like we need and like God created us for. To feel incomplete because of this is not a bad thing, just a natural reaction. If it leads us to being angry at God, then we have a problem but to simply be feeling an emotion is not. Just something that I have been thinking about. An offshoot of this is that I believe that one can be content and lonely at the same time. Just something to think about.

Also, spend some time with God today. It will do you good.


Reflections of a Weekend Again

This past weekend was four days long and spent in New York, here are some thoughts.

1. I don't like summer.
2. I hate sweating.
3. Summer in a tux is even worse.
4. It's nice to see friends get married.
5. Golf is fun.
6. I like Cracker Barrel.
7. I like air conditioning.
8. I don't get the party scene.
9. I hate cigarette smoke.
10. Smokers can be really rude sometimes.
11. I like New York City and wish I went there more often.
12. It's nice to see friends happy.
13. I have no problem whatsoever making a fool out of myself.
14. God puts us in situations for a reason.
15. I need a job.
16. I like women.
17. If you are ever in Albany, NY, go to Smokey Bones BBQ; It is awesome.
18. I am not good at video games.


Another pathetic copycat joins the fold

Well, another person has decided to join the world of blogging. He really doesn't know what a blog is, but has decided to make one. We shall see how it turns out. Alas, since I know him, I shall post his link. HERE!


It's in the 90s in Albany and the 70s in Harrisburg

So it's been a couple of days. I am currently up in New York, getting ready to be in a friend's wedding. It has been a most fun couple of days. We went out golfing yesterday and I did the best I ever have done. Props to BD for getting us on a country club course. It is nice to be outside.

Have you ever noticed how beautiful nature is? God is amazing in what He has created. From luscious green trees to all different typed of flowers. The blue sky and just everything around. It is just so beautiful. I love the outdoors. Less when it is 90 but still like them.

Coldplay review will be coming next week.

On Tuesday our softball team lost both games again. I went one for three.


Prayer is good when?

I was in Sunday School on Sunday and they talked about prayer. It was a guest guy doing the talking. One of his points was that it is better to pray in the morning. I know a lot of people say this and say it is more spiritual to do so. That is a bunch of bunk. Prove it to me. There isn't anywhere in the Bible where it says so.

First off you should pray always (I Thess. 5). Secondly, if you are notawake in the morning it is not a good time to devote to God. Give Him yourself when you are at your best. Maybe we should all spend time in the middle of the day when we are starting to stress out. That would recenter us. Oh well. Just some opining and annoyance at the whole pray in the morning thing.



Reflections of a weekend (whatever number)

1. I am way too busy
2. Saturday at church, 9-5:30 then home for an hour then to a friends till 12:30
3. Sunday at church from 8-9 except from 12:30-3
4. "Phantom of the Opera" is a decent movie, not as good as the show, but still decent
5. I like pizza
6. Athlete is a good band
7. I like acoustic guitars
8. I don't really like church organs
9. Homemade lasagna is really good
10. I won 'War of the Ring', and I was the GOOD people
11. Props to CB whos strategy worked although I didn't always trust him
12. My mom is awesome
13. I can't wait to run the Yamaha PM-1D
14. I like playing percussion
15. It's nice to meet nice strangers
16. I am not perfect (I knew this already, I am just constantly reminded of it)
17. "I am sixteen, going on seventeen." :-)


Time of life is change

Well, last night our softball team played again and won both of our games. Yippee! I did okay. For a definition, go to a dictionary. I did not play as well as I would like, but I did not play poorly either.

Today is the last day of my project. I have worked on a project for the last three months. Now I get to go back to being unemployed. That is not fun. Hopefully this time will be shorter. I don't know why it has been a struggle for me to get a permanent job, but for some reason God has deemed it acceptable for me to go through this trial. I just need to trust Him better than I have in the past.

Nice weekend ahead, I believe. Sunday is very busy, but tomorrow will be relaxing. Monday I can sleep in for a long time, due to my unemployment.

Go get a doughnut

Hey here you go for a free doughnut. Krispy Kreme.

"Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. is celebrating National Doughnut Day today by offering customers a free doughnut of their choice in participating stores throughout the U.S. Hmm, glazed Krispy Kreme."


I don't like Ed Rendell

I don't like him. I can't believe that my state voted him in as governor. I really hope he loses in the next election. I will try my darndest to that end. He has raised taxes significantly and is doing nothing to help this state's economy. He wants to give the schools gambling money that may not be there, IF they raise local taxes. Mean person he is.


What is the state of your garden?

Like I discussed yesterday, I am reviewing 'Garden State'. This is a movie that is written, directed and acted in by Zach Braff of 'Scrubs' fame. It is a strange movie. Unlike any movie that I have ever really seen. It has a very indy film feel. It is also a very melancholy movie. Don't expect to be on the edge of your seat and excited for this film. It is not that kind of movie.

Now that I have given up trying to describe the film, I will go on. Overall this was a very good film. The story was well written. The directing was well done and the acting superb. The story is about a guy who comes back home for his mom's funeral after being gone for nine years. The movie follows the days right after. The story goes some places that you don't expect it to. It starts off darkly and like I said before, melancholy. It ends very warmly and satisfyingly though. It is a very good story about life and its turns.

The directing has a very simple feel, but is done well. The camera angles and shots are superb. It gives a little bit of an old-fashioned feel to it. The directing is there just to support the actors and story. Some movies try to make the movie through direction. This directing in the movie just adds nice touches to a good movie.

The acting on the other hand is simply great. Zach Braff does well as the melancholy lead. He doesn't try to overact, but simply play the character as written. Since he wrote the movie, he probably has a good idea. Natalie Portman plays a loveable yet quirky girl. She adds so much to the film and shows that she can act when allowed to. Padme in Star Wars is not who she is. It is amazing the differences between her acting in those two. The other actors play their parts well.

The movie does contain things that were less than enjoyable. The language is overkill. No need to go there. There was one short scene of sexuality that had nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Why is it there? Ridiculous. Oh well. Also, if drug use is an issue, this movie is full of it.

So there you go. An odd review for an odd film.