
A New Way to be Human

Yesterday was a very frustrating day for me. Part of the issue was that for a few hours last night I was around somebody that seemed to want to tell the correct way to do everything that I was doing. The problem was that I was doing fine with no problems and his suggestions were actually the wrong way to do things. Why do some people seem very critical and eager to give you their opinion even if they don't know what they are talking about?

In my own usual way, I started to think about this and wonder if I do it to people. I am sure that there are times that I do although I don't mean to. If you see me doing this, let me know.

I think that this speaks to a larger issue of how we treat people. What is our intent when talking to people is it to uplift them and help them or is it to make ourselves look better. I need to be more careful of this. Looking out for others is a much better way to go about life than trying boost yourself up. Not only that, but it is what God calls us to do. So next time don't criticize, be kind and loving in your words. They mean a lot to people.


junebee said...

Great thought. A new twist on the "be courteous to others" thing. Sometimes one can be more helpful by trying not to be so helpful.

Sobeit said...

Hey, I really like your site, I found it while just site surfing. You're doing what I strive to do with my own site, writing about the things that happen and making an insightful comment, just that I don't think I'm doing it half as well as you are.

Sobeit said...
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