
What are your gifts?

I have been thinking lately about talents that we as individuals have and what we do with them. How do we use our gifts that we have been given? Do we use them for our own glory or to help others? I have talents in many different things and I try not to use them do make myself feel better. Sometimes I do though. One of those 'Look at me!, Look at me!' Whether it is something as simple as enjoying talking to people or something that takes a lot of skill, we need to be thinking about how to help others even if we have to diminish ourselves to do it.

This past weekend I worked on the sound team at my church. Usually when I do this, I am in charge or working alone. This weekend I was the helper. This was an adjustment for me and I wasn't real thrilled with it because I thought I knew better. Then I realized something. It didn't matter whether or not I knew better, that wasn't why I was supposed to be there. I was there to simply help. I had to adjust my attitude and just help. Luckily I was able to, but it could have been very miserable if I had chosen not to. Sometimes I don't and it's not good. So, help other people with your gifts, not just yourself.

In other completely other direction, these are some groups I have been listening to lately. Check them out if you want: Travis, U2, Taylor Sorensen, Athlete, the Beatles, Jeremy Camp, the Desperation band, David Crowder Band. Just some ideas.


Anonymous said...


Never heard of 'em. ;)

(Oh... also.. some anonymous person stopped by my page the other day asking how I found you... but he/she didn't leave their name/contact information.. not sure if you know who it might be... I'm not sure if they got my response to their question).

matt said...

I looked and don't know who that might be.

As for U2, October 16 comes quite quickly when I shall get to see U2 live in concert. Woohoo!