

The Orioles beat the Yankees last night. Yeah!. Also our softball team won a game.

I really don't have much to say today. Here is something though. Stick up for people. When you see somebody being mistreated say something. Even if it is a little thing it can help that person know that somebody else noticed. That happened to me on Friday and it made a difference. I was in the middle of a crummy situation and somebody noticed and said something. It did not change the situation, but it improve my mood because of a guy sticking up for me in a way. Just because we grow up doesn't mean that we don't need anyone anymore. We still function best with people.

So if you see someone being treated crummily, stick up for them. You may not change the situation, but at the very least the person knows that someone cared enough to say something.


Nathan Hackman said...

I agree, but try to do it with tact. I once took an embarassing beating from an angry Egyptian because I told him to stop calling another kid "tomato." True story, ask my sister.

Nathan Hackman said...

. . . or maybe it was "potato."

Proteinstar said...

lets call the whole thing off.