
Reflections of a Weekend that was

1. It was hot.
2. Especially in a suit.
3. D.C. has a great metro system.
4. I wish I had driven into DC on Saturday.
5. It's nice to see friends get married.
6. It's awesome to see friends you haven't seen in a while.
7. It's got to stink when you break your leg.
8. Church softball shouldn't be so competitive that when you have 11 spots and 11 people you don't bench somebody because they aren't that good.
9. I hate technical difficulties.
10. I am a technical difficulty.
11. Shakespeare was a very talented playwright.
12. Henry IV is an interesting play.
13. Cracker Barrel is good.
14. Sunday I was home for 1/2 hour from 6:30 am to 12:30 am
15. The Washington National Cathedral is a beautiful place to have a wedding.
16. The problem with going to a friend's wedding when you haven't seen him in a while is that you don't really get to see him.
17. The two weekends in the 90's in June have been my two wedding weekends.
18. Playing PIG in a pool with a pool basketball hoop and a diving board creates for some interesting shots.