
Do you have some Relevant rocks?

Today finally after months of waiting, RelevantMagazine.com is updating their website to include all kinds of cool things. It is very exciting. They are a great magazine because, as their name states, they want to be relevant Christians in the world. They don't try to make Christians feel all nice and warm. They don't care about that. They ask the hard questions and then make you think about it. They aren't going to give you the answers, because that is the easy way out. We need to learn to actually think on our own rather than being told what to do.

They also have many articles about how Christians are impacting the world, whether it be music, movies, books, etc... Very cool. So go check it out when you get a chance. Currently the website is down for the upgrade but when it's up it will be worth your while.


Vixen said...

Very Cool. I have a buddy who works for A Christian Music Group and love many of the bands. I'll be sure to check this out! :)