
Significant Insignificance

How big is God? Well He is big enough to create the entire universe which we can't even understand the size and wonder of it.

How big are we? Well, we live in a galaxy that is 100,000 light years across(light year=5.87 trillion miles). Our solar system is on the outer edge of the galaxy and if the galaxy were North America, our solar system would be the size of a quarter. In our solar system we are on one of 9 planets surrounding a sun 93 million miles away. Our planet isn't close to being the biggest of the planets and micro compared to the sun's size. 6 billion people live on our planet.

That is a really big God and a really small us. But what is incredible. God loves each of us more than we can even understand. Think of the deepest love you know and it still doesn't compare to how much God loves you. Is that not incredible? I don't even really understand it. Not even a speck of dust and we are treated with more favour than anything else in this huge universe.