
Potential is Sometimes Worth Following

This week a show premiered on CBS called 'Love Monkey.' It has Tom Cavanaugh in it as a budding record executive. He goes around and spots what could be the next good musical act. He also has love life troubles, but that doesn't really matter for me. The music industry part is really what intrigues me. It was an enjoyable first watch, but could fall flat for me if it focused on love lives and not music. I hope they continue to add more music to the show and a better soundtrack.

One of the quotes that really struck me was this one:

I'm not a music snob. I just dislike bad music.

Many of my friends would consider me a music snob. But I am going to go with this quote, because it is really how I feel. I just like to hear good music. I don't care what kind of music it is. Music doesn't have to be in a certain genre for me to like it; it just has to be good. So if I am a music snob, fine.