
A Hick is a Hick

Monday evening I had the pleasure of visiting the Pennsylvania Farm Show. This is something that I had never gotten to experience before, but was told it was enjoyable. Now I grew up in the country and got to go to numerous county fairs that seemed to be similar but just on a smaller scale.

It was an experience. They have a food court that has a large selection. Any Pennsylvania food co-operative that you could think of was there. Apple people selling apple cider, potato people selling potato donuts, etc. I had heard good things about the milkshakes sold by the dairy farmers. I was definitely disappointed. Instead of a good milkshake that I expected, I just got soft serve ice cream melted a little bit. That's not a milkshake, so I won't get one of those again. The apple cider was delicious though.

Elsewhere they had animals ranging from goats to cattle to roosters. They also had an area where local family type businesses would sell their goods. This was the gold mine. For everyone to sell their stuff, they had samples for you to try. You could have a meal of all the samples. The chicken corn soup was especially good. It was enjoyable to try many different things.

In the main arena there is always an event going on. That night it was square dancing. After a couple of minutes of watching it and feeling completely like a hick, I left before I might think about buying a cowboy hat and some cowboy boots. Anyway an experience that I enjoyed and in a while(at least a year) I wouldn't mind checking it out again.


Proteinstar said...

Newport Creamery's Awful Awfuls are simply the best milkshakes made on this planet. They used to have a drink 4 get 1 free. However the capacity needed to consume 4 was almost superhuman.

Proteinstar said...

Hey I can't help it if the state is God's gift to this nation.

matt said...

When Satan tried to get dominion over the earth, he still wanted God to keep Rhode Island

Anonymous said...

Square dancing....some of our Messiah professors were actually *in* the competetions....and BIC's at that!