
Larry the Cable Guy

Recently, I stopped my cable. Some inquiring minds may be curious at this development so I'll give a couple of reasons for it. First off, money is really tight and the extra few bucks a month will make it a little less tight.

That was reason, but I got to admit that it wasn't the main reason. The main reason was that I watched TV too much. It was controlling my schedule in a way. Now I never didn't do something because of a certain TV show, but I just had the TV on too much. This didn't allow for things such as reading books and going to bed at a reasonable time. I didn't like the fact that it had a bit of a grip on my life.

So I cancelled it. Now I get 6 channels all a bit fuzzy and then some weird church channel that doesn't really come in and I am glad for that because the channel scares me a bit. I think that it will be a good thing and free me up to read the 10 or so books that I have backlogged in my living room.

I will miss aspects of cable though. I'll miss most ESPN. I love sports. I love to watch and follow stats and other pieces of information. I am able to do this through the ESPN channels as well as FoxSports. No longer will I be able to do this and I have to admit that I will go through a decent amount of withdrawal. I didn't really think that it was a bad thing that I followed sports either. Anyway, I'll make it and I think in the end, this is a good decision for my well-being. Somewhere down the road, I am sure that I probably will get cable again, but that will be after I have created the good habits of doing many other things rather than watching TV.


Anonymous said...

way 2 go!

Nathan Hackman said...

I have also considered this, but for the opposite reason. I hardly watch TV at all anymore. I just don't think I could live without my F1. Anyway, congrats on the decision and feel free to come over and watch Champions League whenever you want.

Proteinstar said...

I booted my cable a year ago. Haven't missed it a bit. Honestly, if you get really hard up, try a 3 movie subscription through Netflix. Now thats money well spent, although you get a bit OCD about sending the movies back.

Nathan Hackman said...

Your Mom has OCD!!!!!