
Odd Things Can Happen at 1.30 am

Last night when I should have been sleeping away to dancing twiddlethumbs, I was still quite up. Maybe if I went to bed when I was tired I wouldn't have been up, but I threw logic to the wind. So the next question is why in the world was I up?

I had an epiphany of relaxation. I decided that even though I was tired, I wanted to play my guitar, write some stuff(inspired by a new show, Love Monkey) and relax. Music is very soothing for me and I always enjoy playing away into a world of sonic love and beauty.

It is an odd feeling to be completely relaxed and tired late at night and not wanting to go to bed. Have you ever had those times that you just didn't want to end. They usually involve doing something exciting that isn't done often. This was one of those times for me. It was very simple yet extremely enjoyable. I am very grateful for the time I had. Thanks God


Nathan Hackman said...

I have moments like that at times. They normally come while reading or working on my bike. They almost always lead to very late bed times.