
Two Pink Golf Balls

Last night I experienced a common tradition, a white elephant gift exchange. Now I have experienced many of these and last night was nothing special. It has just given me an opportunity to talk about this strange phenomen.

There are many different ways to do this exchange. The general idea is that everyone draws a number so they have an order to go in. Then the first person picks a gift, the next person decides whether to take the first person's gift or pick a new gift. This goes on until the end. some variations are whether or not the first person gets to pick again after everyone has opened. Or the gifts may never be opened so they are chosen based on the packaging and not what is inside. You can limit the number of times a gift can be stolen. Rather than numbers, you can go by birthdays or last names. There are just so many options that can be done. I am sure there are many that I have never seen or forgotten.

Now the gifts can also be strange. Some people given nice things, some people give used things, and some people just go straight for prank-type gifts. Here are some of the classics that I witnessed last night. There was a pair of sparkly blue male briefs that made it out, they have been going around for a couple of years; a lion that was 4 feet long and two feet tall and had been around for at least 15 years; a pig that danced and sang 'My Girl'; SpongeBob Squarepants underoos; Butt Paste( Not sure what it was about and don't really want to know); a chili kit; and many others.

But last night I saw the white elephant gift to take all white elephant gifts ever. It was called Bubble Butt!! I have never seen something this great and funny. This is what it did. It was a man that was bent over with his pants down. Connected to the back of his legs was a grey bucket to hold the bubble mixture. Attached to his leg was one of those bubble things on a pivot. When you pushed a button, the bubble thing would dip down into the mixture and then raise up. It was at this point that air would blow out of the man's butt and create bubbles. Then repeat until you turned it off. One of the funniest things I have ever seen.

As for me, I just got a Mr. and Mrs. Potato head ornament.