
Reflections of a Four-Christmas Weekend

1. You can customize your order at Red Robin
2. Thanks SM
3. My shoulder hurts
4. I love my family
5. My antifreeze looks good
6. I have a new battery
7. Mmm, wings
8. I'm a meat-eater and proud of it
9. It is fun to laugh
10. It is even more fun to make people laugh
11. It is interesting hearing a joke repeated over and over and over...
12. The 8.15 church service is definitely early
13. One or two, but not all
14. Dad's side, immediate family without bro's family, Mom's side, immediate family with bro's side
15. Three big meals, three days in a row is too much
16. Cream cheese cookies
17. I haven't been to McDonald's in 6 or 7 years
18. 16 people around two dinner tables is a lot
19. The Ravens won
20. Is Boller good or not, he's starting to confuse me
21. I got a lot more for Christmas than I deserve
22. A family or two will get a goat and clean water
23. My niece loved the trains
24. I'm not a loser, but many times feel like one
25. Why is life's success or failure many times based on relationships and jobs?
26. Based on those two things, I am a failure right now
27. 6 days til I'm in Nashville for Passion '06
28. I had an absolutely wonderful time with my family
29. Church with a liquor license, interesting idea
30. 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' is my favorite Christmas show
31. My grandmother held up very well for this being the first holiday season without my grandfather
32. Ten Thousand Villages
33. Samaritan's Purse
34. To give is better than to receive