
Reflections of a Labor Weekend

1. Tennis can be very frustrating
2. Sports many times seem to be the last bastion for my temper to show itself
3. 'The Fellowship of the Ring' is a very good movie
4. I am looking forward to playing Heroes 5
5. I watched 'College Gameday' on Saturday
6. I love to learn
7. The chicken quesadilla at the Larson Student Union at Messiah College is good
8. I like walking around outside
9. It was good to go to the soccer game
10. Messiah should have won by a lot more than 1-nil
11. The girl that was sitting in the next row lower and a few seats away was really cute
12. Messiah College has lots of honnies
13. Is it wrong for a person in their upper twenties to date a college student?
14. It was great to see some of the youth from church
15. 6:30 am is early
16. My church doesn't know how to worship
17. They also have ridiculous rules about what is too loud
18. Sooo frustrating
19. It is always nice to see the fam
20. Sis, thanks for kayaking with me
21. I like to talk with my family
22. My dad is such an intelligent man
23. My mom is so sweet
24. I really really enjoyed sleeping in till 11:00 am on Monday morning
25. Penn State and Maryland won
26. The Kipona festival was enjoyable to walk around
27. Even better was to sit by the Susquehanna river, chat and watch the sunset with some friends
28. Darn mini-golf
29. I am glad that women aren't as oblivious as men
30. Ruby Tuesday's cheese fries are good
31. So are their flavored teas
32. Especially if you combine their strawberry and kiwi flavors
33. ST and SM, it was great to chat about many things with y'all
34. I had an extremely enjoyable Monday evening
35. I didn't want to go to work today
36. It is always harder after a long weekend


stephen said...

Because you got me started..

4. What about Heroes 1-4?

12. I believe the word is "honeys."

15. While 6.30 am is early, be thankful you don't have to wake up at that time five days a week.

16. Please list which members of your church don't know how to worship. Since it is the whole church, feel free to single-space.

17. Who makes these rules?

Love ya.

matt said...

How did I get you started?

I have played Heroes 3and 4 and am looking forward to the next release in the series.

Honnies was used to extend the word a bit. To dwell on it more.

I am thankful

I do not want to implicate any specific one but would prefer to state a generalized truth.

These rules are made by the older people that whine the loudest therefore causing a prevailing sentiment and ignoring the people that actually want to progress. The ones that hate change.

Love ya back

Ellie said...

Ooh, all this lovin going on. So special. :-)

Proteinstar said...

What's worship? David danced in his loincloth. God liked that. You probably wouldn't. I dislike...no too nice...I loathe these newfangled christian choruses. "Lord, I lift your name on high...la de da...Lord I love to sing..." BLAUGH! Give me a "Mighty Fortress" any day of the week. Ever notice how the Worship leader, when he wants to add some punch, some serious theological muscle to his lineup, throws in a classic hymn? Notice how everyone loves it? Yeah, that because hymns are 3 eggs a slab of steak and mountain of hashbrowns to a chorus's cream of wheat pap theology.

A new christian learns nearly nothing from singing these pathetic limp jingles. Give me a song written by the author of the 95 Theses any day of the week over some little ditty M W Smith whipped up in his pajamas some morning.

Thats what I think about worship.

matt said...

Believe it or not, my comment on worship had nothing to do with the type of music. It had everything to do with people looking like they were at a funeral, most barely even singing. Worshipping God is supposed to joyful, awesome, unashamed. Whether you worship with hymns or more modern songs, you should rejoice in God while doing it. That was what the comment was about.

Nathan Hackman said...

I have to disagree with you there Proteinstar. The chorus "In Christ Alone" packs a heavy theological wallup. I do agree that Martin Luther's lyrics kick the crap out of most things written today, and when properly sung, his songs rock. Matt, I don't remember what church you go to, but how many services are there? Is one geared for a more traditional crowd. That might be the answer.

Nathan Hackman said...

Oh yeah, Messiah does have a nice blessing of las chicas. Anyone who has heard me wax lyrical about my college years is well aware of that.

Proteinstar said...

oh not the fan club AGAIN! (rolls eyes)

Nathan Hackman said...

The day you have a fan club you can roll your eyes.