
All I Want for Christmas

Ah, the disappointment that we encounter in life. It stinks. I don't like disappointment. It brings us down a little bit, it doesn't let us rejoice for a bit. It is the antithesis of happiness. It comes when you want something, need something or are waiting for something and it doesn't come or you don't get it. Sometimes disappointment lasts days, months, or into the year-type timeframe. The short term disappointments are easier to handle than the longer ones, but they are no less enjoyable.

I have encountered some disappointment today. The type that is difficult to handle. The type that makes you think and ask questions like why. You don't know where to turn or what to do. There seem to be no answers anywhere. It makes it hard to concentrate. I will be fine, but today is a bit rough.

What will I do? I will go to where I feel most comfortable. First I must get outside because I love nature so much and it always comforts me. Then I shall journal and read some. It is always good to get your thoughts out, whether it is to someone or just to the air or a piece of paper. Will I find answers? No, I very much doubt that I will. Will I be soothed a bit afterwards? Yes.