
Guess What?!?

It's my birthday. Yes, today is the 28th anniversary of my birth. Proteinstar, do your magic and find out who was born on this fine day. I could, but nah, I don't want to take it away from you. So, what feels different? Nothing. I was 27 years old, I am now 28. Whoop dee doo. I should sound more excited, but oh well.

One thing of note. I am now above the average age that men get married in the United States. Does this really mean anything to me? No, but it was an interesting stat so I thought I would post it.

Birthdays aren't a big deal to me. I guess it is because I have gone for so long without anything being done for my birthday. In no way is this a pity party, I am just trying to figure out why they aren't that big a deal for me. I guess if you always have something happen then you come to expect and look forward to it. I know that a couple things will probably happen around this time. I'll get some cards, maybe even some gifts. Somebody will take me out to dinner. People will ask me how old I am. The game night crew will probably do something. These are the usuals. But hey, maybe this stuff won't happen this year. That would be okay because I shouldn't live my life expecting people to do stuff for me.

What will I enjoy. I saw my family last weekend, I saw some friends last night. I will see different friends tonight. That will be great. Relationships are where it's at for me. That's what I treasure.

So go out and enjoy the day. You can. It's my birthday and I said so.


Nathan Hackman said...

Let's all go to that blog and leave a whole crap load of our own spam!!

Nathan Hackman said...

OK, so that didn't work. Happy Birthday anyway!

matt said...

I have deleted the blog spam. HA HA HA HA HA HA

Proteinstar said...

Happy b-day Matt

Loving that word identification.

Lara said...

Oh...you're still just a baby!

(Happy Birthday!)

(I'm turning 30 in 3 months. Eek!)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. K!!!!!!!!!!!!!