
Reflections of a Weekend in my life

1. WOW
2. Fantastic Four - good action, bad story, bad acting
3. The waitress that served me at Damon's wasn't very good
4. I got my haircut
5. The catering at Hersheypark doesn't really serve food
6. I am not sure if it was even meat
7. It's fun to take a person that is scared on a roller coaster
8. I wish Stormrunner was up more
9. It is too crowded on weekends in July at Hersheypark
10. Why did I go to church in the morning?
11. Why do I still go to my church?
12. I enjoyed going back to the DC area
13. The Sweetwater Tavern is really really good
14. It was nice to see JP again
15. Frontline was awesome
16. I miss it
17. I wish there was a good church in the Harrisburg area
18. Central Pennsylvania is too conservative for me when it comes to church
19. The music was awesome
20. The new auditorium is cool
21. It is good to worship God
22. I got to see some really good friends from down there
23. There is a lot of love between us
24. KA, you're awesome
25. A love for God is a very attractive thing
26. I am glad to see that my friends are doing well
27. I need to be more thankful for what I have been given
28. I like hugs
29. I bet I'll like kissing the right woman, too
30. The Silver Diner makes good malts
31. I wish people in the central PA were more outwardly loving and caring
32. It was a beautiful night last night
33. I am in a very pensive mood
34. I am also very relaxed
35. God is great
36. I think this is my longest reflections ever
37. God, please use me
38. I want a woman
39. SM is a good friend - he listens well
40. Honesty is the best policy
41. I am content with where God has me
42. I want more, but I am content
43. There are so many thoughts running through my head
44. I need to stop
45. It is good to reflect
46. ...


Proteinstar said...

As for #31, compared to New Englanders Central PA residents are warm fuzzy bunnies. You'd be lucky to get a nod and a handshake in RI. I love those swamp yankees.

18# too conservative? As in not allowing homosexuals to pastor? Or as in not playing the perfect worship service? Church is what you make of it. It's nice to have one that fits but church is not the service. Church is the people. Just like Soylent Green.