
Reflections of a bit more than a weekend

Since I haven't seen a computer since last Tuesday, this will encompass from then to now.

1. Nitetime, Ocean Waves, Standing on beach---AWESOME
2. My church youth group is awesome
3. So much love for each other
4. I don't like driving through thunderstorms
5. Especially when lightning hits 20 feet away from you
6. I didn't get thrown in the ocean
7. I did get thrown in the pool
8. I don't like beer
9. If I did, it would be the darker beers
10. The Market Cross Pub in Carlisle, PA is okay
11. It is nice to sleep in when tired
12. The Tour de France is fun to follow
13. I don't know who I want to win
14. I've seen high school relationships change the people involved in them for the worse.
15. I am glad RK jumped in after I got thrown in - it would have just been a matter of time.
16. I hate mosquitoes
17. People from Mass talk funny
18. AC seems really nice
19. It's fun to hang out with friends
20. I hate the Yankees
21. They got beat 17-1
22. It's hot
23. It's humid
24. I am still thinking
25. We have a new victim to the world of blogging
26. When you are saying nice things about many people in the room, it is nice to include everyone rather than exclude one person
27. I want to go back to the beach


Nathan Hackman said...

I LOVE driving through thunderstorms. Its like a little unexpected adventure each time. Also, it IS fun to watch the Tour. OLN rocks for their coverage. You should check out some of the other races they cover. Paris-Roubaix is great! After the Tour wraps up this year I'm gonna do apost on why it is so great.