
Reflections of a Weekend et al.

1. Stupid rock
2. Camping is awesome
3. It was beautiful outside all weekend
4. JS is a very gifted speaker
5. 'Meet the Fockers' is okay (worth a rental)
6. 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' is a good book
7. It's great to have time to chill
8. Ouch
9. I am very glad that my mother isn't one of those overprotective types
10. Mountain pies are good
11. I had a butterscotch malt, caramel would have been better
12. I had a bbq on July 4, so cliche
13. It is nice to talk to friends about what is going on in their lives
14. It was nice not shaving since Friday although now it is starting to annoy me
15. Friday night was hot and humid
16. I love the water
17. Go sis, do that mission trip thang
18. I am well-rested
19. I like hammocks
20. The Relevant Magazine article on premarital sex is a good one
21. Bottles of beer on the wall
22. I have a busy week ahead


Anonymous said...

Numer 12 and 13 were fun....we'll have to do 13 more often (well, 12 too!). We'll do 16 sometime again, too!

Nathan Hackman said...

I also like the hammocks.