
Do you want some Cheese with that Whine?

Why do people complain? It is annoying. I know that I do it sometimes, but some people are chronic complainers. I don't like to be around these people because all I hear is griping. They need to cheer up. Life is not that bad. Why bring down your mood along with everybody else's.

What is the purpose of complaining anyway? Nothing will get accomplished by it. If the person can control the thing you are complaining about then maybe, but still. Why can't people look on the bright side of life.

So what is my point. Be happy. You can't do much about the crappy things that happen to you anyway. You might as well look at the positive things and make the best out of any situation.

Another topic that may spawn a discussion. The Bible says 'Do not murder', not 'Do not kill'. Is there a difference?


Proteinstar said...

If I ran over a child on accident and killed them I would not consider that murder. If I walked into that child's yard and shot him point blank with a pistol that would be murder.

The government is given authority by God to wield a sword. Execution by the state is not murder. Romans 13:2-13:6

The government is also allowed to wield that sword in it's own defense, so killing in battle is also not murder.

It's quite obvious that I make a poor Brethren in Christ member.

matt said...

Who is weasel and why are you attacking me? Do I know you? Are you a weasel? If you don't respond, your mean comment will be deleted.

Proteinstar said...

Who can tell with Matt? Now is it pronounced weasel or wea-zel?

Hey anyone going to comment on my amazing an eloquent remarks on murder and killing?

NO? Well I'm going back to my blog. It's getting hot in here with trolls -ahem- I mean weasels talking the proverbial smack.

Hey matt just be glad someone you don't know comments on your blog. Heck the people I do know don't comment on mine.

nice to meat you weasel. yum.