
Prayer is good when?

I was in Sunday School on Sunday and they talked about prayer. It was a guest guy doing the talking. One of his points was that it is better to pray in the morning. I know a lot of people say this and say it is more spiritual to do so. That is a bunch of bunk. Prove it to me. There isn't anywhere in the Bible where it says so.

First off you should pray always (I Thess. 5). Secondly, if you are notawake in the morning it is not a good time to devote to God. Give Him yourself when you are at your best. Maybe we should all spend time in the middle of the day when we are starting to stress out. That would recenter us. Oh well. Just some opining and annoyance at the whole pray in the morning thing.



Nathan Hackman said...

I would actually agree with the guy. You should "pray without ceasing," but I think that refers to more of an informal state of mind rather than the physical action of prayer. I find that prayer in the morning can set the tone for the day, this doesn't mean that I always do it though. I find that evening, or bedtime prayer usually leads to me falling asleep. I guess you just have to go with whatever works for you.

Nathan Hackman said...

The first installment of my blog epic is now available at Baboons in Yankari. Check it out! That's right, I'm now sending out blog spam.