
A plethera of items

It's Father's Day this Sunday. Don't forget.

I saw 'Hitch' last night. It was pretty good. I am glad that I watched it. Will Smith was his usual very entertaining self. They wrote his character really well. Kevin James was also quite funny. I am glad that I did not see it in the theater though. It wouldn't have been worth the $8. Still I would recommend it to anyone.

Andy Hunter is coming out with a new album soon. It is already out in England but will be here on the 28th.

How well do your friends know you? Do they understand the different levels of you? If you disguise something a bit, do they still understand? Mine don't always. I have noticed this recently. Oh well, we can't expect our friends to be perfect. We should just be glad that they are there for us.

Here is something to chew on from Phillipians 2:3: ...in humility consider others better than yourselves. Do you do this? I know I don't. I am many times to concerned with making myself look good. Something I need to work on.


Nathan Hackman said...

I sthat how you spell "plethera?" I'm not being critical, I honestly don't know how to spell it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, "plethora", from the greek, or geek, for "those who like to use big words to impress their equally geeky friends and their brothers-in-law."

Proteinstar said...

Is this how you spell El Guapo?

It's amazing how a movie with Steve Martin educated an entire generation to use a rather archaic word for excess.

Anonymous said...

How well do your friends know you? Do they understand the different levels of you? If you disguise something a bit, do they still understand?

Perhaps you didn't mean it this way, but it sounds as if you are trying to test your friends... to see if they will notice differences in you when you hide things on purpose. Is that what you mean?

To answer the first question... I think there are very few people that spend enough time with me to really notice as soon as something goes awry. I'm pretty vocal and will tell people, though.

Proteinstar said...

You don't want to know the real me. Trust me, I don't want to know the real me.

Anonymous said...

I think I threw the key to that Pandora's box away, or at least hid *really* well, a LONG time ago.

To be honest, Matt, I'm often not that observant about minor things, especially if you're intentionally disguising something, but I'll be happy to chat about whatever, whenever with you.

matt said...

To Lara,

What I meant by disguising was not an intentional disguise. Sometimes we as humans try to conceal some things although it would be better if our friends called us on them. Our friends that really know us will pick up on our lame attempt to hide from the world and ask us about it. That's what I meant. Not testing