
Whose will is whom's?

I have been thinking about something lately. How often do you hear the phrases: It's God's will, God wants me to do this, It's God's calling. I have to say that I hear it more than I would really like too. Why? You ask. Because I think it is overused and wrongly used.

Most of the times I here this comment, the person is just looking for some backing of what they WANT to do. So they say that God wants them to do it. They are using (and abusing) God's will to fit their own desires.

This has happened a couple of times recently. People have been wanting to do something for many months and then they tell me that they are going to do it. In doing so...and so their words carry more weight...they tell me that it is something God is leading them to do. What a bunch of bologna. Just admit that you were following your own desires and used the
God card' to give the desires more weight.

I would say that it is most abused in relationships. "God wants me to go out with this person.' God has put us together.' 'I need to do this in the relationship because God wants me to.' So we fall for somebody and no matter how bad the circumstances are or how strange our decision seems, we attach God's will to it rather than admitting that our own romantic feelings are what is actually driving the decision. By using God's will, we prevent serious questions from being asked by our friends and family and it makes us look good because it seems like we are obeying God.

So we use God to placate our wants and desires. That's dangerous turf that I am not sure I would want to venture on. The funny thing...I have done it before and it is wrong. So now I think very carefully and slowly before I attach God's name to a decision of mine.