
Reflections of a Sweltering Weekend

1. Why doesn't the US like soccer more?
2. It was stinking hot this weekend
3. I don't like to move
4. Part of that is not liking packing
5. It all somehow got done; not necessarily the best, but done
6. I like baseball even when my Orioles aren't doing the best
7. I like sleep
8. I don't like when I don't get much
9. Gifford Pinchot State park is nice
10. Even though I don't like moving, it went as well as it could have
11. I try to be a thankful person
12. Nothing like crashing
13. Fever Pitch has some really cheesy graphics in it
14. Reading and listening to music...doesn't get much better
15. Frontline was good
16. I was a mailman on Sunday
17. I like The Silver Diner
18. I don't like to clean
19. Not many cds at Circuit City for their $9.99 sale
20. Beuller, Beuller
21. Purveyor's Anonymous, a new group for people in over their heads