
I Hate Migraines

Last night I had a killer one. Oh the pain. Something I never would wish on anyone, even my worst enemy. I still have a headache from it.

I am right in the midst of putting everything together in preparations of getting ready for Germany and starting to raise support. It is so exciting to have been accepted and have so many new things starting. I am actually in the process of starting a new blog that is specifically devoted to all things Germany. It will be exciting.

I don't like asking for money, but it is something that I am going to have to do. I am putting together a list of people to send my support letter to. Some of the people I know will not be able to give me to support, but that is fine. I still really want to send them the letter. Why? I want them to know what is going on in my life and this exciting time. I just want them to read it. If they decide to do nothing, fine, because it is wonderful just to share with them this thing.


Nathan Hackman said...

Your Mom hates migraines!!!

Sorry. . . bored.