
Do you like change?

I was talking with a group of guys on Sunday and 5 out of 6 of us were moving somewhere by August. Whether it was moving to a different house, or moving to a different state or different country, we were all moving. I was amazed at how much change was being experienced by just the few of us.

Some people like change, some people hate it. There are those that will be happy for the rest of their lives if they don't move or change their jobs again. There are others that want to try a new city or job every few years. Ritual, tradition, progression, invention. All different words that have to do with this thing called change.

Which is right? Is there a right? I don't think that either extreme is right, but I do think that we all need to be in the middle. Sometimes change is good, sometimes it isn't. I think that we need to be open to both sides of change. Whether it is going to a different country to make a difference there; or staying in the place you are so that you can continue to help the people that you are already affecting.