
Personal Revelation

I am a needy person. I may not look or act like it, but I am. I need social interaction. I am always happier being around people. In fact, I never get tired of being around people. When I leave a group of people, I never want to go. I am sure people knew this about me, but probably not to this level.

We never seem to want to admit our needs, but we want them met. Guess what, we were made to need and to have our needs met. My need may be easier to satisfy than others, but it still needs to be met. I think many times, we expect our friends to know our needs although we don't want to say what they are. Well, our friends aren't mind readers. We need to communicate and stop being ashamed of our needs.

Last night was my first fall night of some coffee and my journal. Very cool. I always find that I chill out much more with some coffee and the ability to right my thoughts. True last night as well.


Mrs Tellez said...

wow - love how you put it mat. I too have had some personal revelations in the last month. I have not posted much on them, for fear of letteing people in - but then i remembered , that I have always been transparent and well... I am what I am.