
If Only I Knew

Purpose. It is such a simple word, yet such a big word. What is your purpose? What is my purpose? I have lately been feeling lack of purpose. There are a couple of reasons for this. I'm 28 years old. Usually at 28, people have accomplished some things. Let's go over it here. I have been looking for a job for the last 16 months. So I have yet to advance in any career or get any closer in figuring out what I want to do. That one's gone.

How about love and family? No wife, no kids. Heck, I'm not even dating. I haven't gotten very far here either. It's been 6 years since I graduated college and I am no further along than when I graduated. Sure I have learned a couple of things, but nothing too earth-shattering. Now I am not saying that you have to be accomplishing these things to be advancing in life, but they are a couple of the signs that life is progressing.

So, since I am a Christian, the true goal should be to live for God and to show His wonder and glory to everyone I see. I am not even sure how good I am even doing at that. I try but fail so easily. Sometimes my humanity is really annoying. I feel many times like I am the biggest hindrance for God on earth.

So what is your purpose? How are you doing at it? Do you even have one? I don't have any answers here because I am trying to figure just a tiny bit of the answer out. So share your thoughts with each other. Maybe we can figure it out collectively.

I'm listening...


Proteinstar said...

My purpose is to spread the Gospel to as many as I can and disciple those who have accepted it and The Lord it preaches about.

I suck at it. But I better get good and quick or God might think I'm better off in heaven than doing His work down here.

Perhaps Missions is your calling? You don't have any crazy attachments yet. Why not? Head off to Nigeria or some forgotten Africa jungle. Those regions have database stuff that need databasing.

I'm dead serious. Put your school loans on hold and get out...but pray about it first. But not so much that you use it as an excuse to not go.

Well that's my two cents.