

Have you ever really wanted something? Done everything to get it. And sometimes we still don't know if it will work. I am in that situation right now. I have an opportunity that really excites me and I just hope that it works out, but I am not sure that it will. It is one of those last minute things where there doesn't seem to be enough time. Emails were flying everywhere today trying to figure out information. And a lot was figured out.

You ever wonder what references say about you. I always pick references that I think will speak good of me, but I never know for sure. I want them to be honest, but also speak well of me. Maybe I am just asking too much. I currently have to pick references that I hope will be kind and speak highly of me. It shall be tricky.

If you are probably confused right now and wondering what I am talking about. I have the chance to live in Germany for a couple years as an RA for high school students at Black Forest Academy. We shall see.


Nathan Hackman said...

That would be awesome.