
The Days of our Lives

As many of you have picked up on now, I am going through a process right now that may result in me living in Germany for two years working with high school students. It is a chance that I am excited about and that is getting closer and closer to definitely happening.

The chance to live in Europe for two years while do something that I enjoy seems awesome. It could also temporarily solve my job issues. I would be able to have some free time and do many other things that I have yet to experience. Outside of the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, I have never been out of the country. That could all change.

But there are some drawbacks. I have a family that I love very much and yet wouldn't get to see. My sister is just starting her post-high school phase of life and my brother is about to have a second kid. His first is 1.5 years old. I will miss their early years. And of course my parents.

I have a youth small group of sophomore guys that I have worked with for two years. I have leaders that I have gotten to know and really matter to me. They have helped me through some hard times and we have a lot of fun together.

I have friends that I won't get to see. Some that I have know for over a decade and some that I go to football games with. Ones that we've come to rely on each other for support.

There are other things that I would miss. It's a hard opportunity, but a great one. One that would fill me with new experience and change me completely. These are the days we'll remember.


Proteinstar said...

We'll all be here when you get back you goose stepping Nazi!

Nathan Hackman said...

You are so supportive there proteinstar. I wonder if Matt could get me a Luger?