

Things that irk me

There are a couple of things lately that have just really frustrated me. The first one is the IRS. I work as a self-employed consultant last year and found out that they really screw over self-employed people. They seem to have this joy in not telling you that you need to fill out any special forms and then when tax time comes around you find out that you owe a ton of money. Very annoying.

Number two is mechanics and inspections. Garages have this wonderful policy where you have to pay them the inspection price no matter if you pass or fail it. So once they have your car in the shop, they have you and your money captive so you can't leave. And they always find something wrong. I find it very hard to believe that there is always something wrong.

My car has a check engine light that likes to come on every once in a while when it rains hard and then go off in a week or two. Well it decided to visit me this past weekend and now it is going to cost me several hundred dollars to repair a problem that isn't really a problem and there is nothing that I can do about it. I am under the captivity of the garage.


The Days of our Lives

As many of you have picked up on now, I am going through a process right now that may result in me living in Germany for two years working with high school students. It is a chance that I am excited about and that is getting closer and closer to definitely happening.

The chance to live in Europe for two years while do something that I enjoy seems awesome. It could also temporarily solve my job issues. I would be able to have some free time and do many other things that I have yet to experience. Outside of the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, I have never been out of the country. That could all change.

But there are some drawbacks. I have a family that I love very much and yet wouldn't get to see. My sister is just starting her post-high school phase of life and my brother is about to have a second kid. His first is 1.5 years old. I will miss their early years. And of course my parents.

I have a youth small group of sophomore guys that I have worked with for two years. I have leaders that I have gotten to know and really matter to me. They have helped me through some hard times and we have a lot of fun together.

I have friends that I won't get to see. Some that I have know for over a decade and some that I go to football games with. Ones that we've come to rely on each other for support.

There are other things that I would miss. It's a hard opportunity, but a great one. One that would fill me with new experience and change me completely. These are the days we'll remember.


Chornobyl aka Chernobyl

I don't know how many of you know this, but this is the 20th anniversary of the worst nuclear power disaster. At 1.23 this morning, reactor #4 exploded causing radiation to fly into the air and just about everywhere else it could go.

Here are some links with decent explanations and coverage of the disaster.

CNN article


BBC News


A Life of Enjoyment

I had the opportunity to go to a pretty neat church on Sunday morning. It is up in Albany, New York and it is call the Terranova church. Very cool. It definitely had a modern, artsy feel to it. The worship was rocking, the atmosphere was cool. Just a really neat idea fleshed out. Too bad I don't live there.

I also went to a nice Harrisburg Senators game last evening. It was great. It was a beautiful spring evening and a great time to just chill and watch some ball. I just had a really relaxing time. So if you don't mind baseball, consider going to a minor league game. It's cheap, good and relaxing.


Musings on Death

I had the privilege of attending a memorial service this weekend. It took place in upstate New York and is not one of those events that I enjoy going to. But at the same time, I know the family pretty well and am good friends with a couple of them. It was amazing how much it meant to them, just that I was there. I didn't need to say anything or even do anything. Just be there to support them.

How many other times do our friends need us or just want us there with them through their struggles and we aren't? Either our schedule is too important and we don't feel like it. We figure that they'll be okay, but don't realize that they would much better with us there to support them.

As I was at this memorial service I was thinking about death and how it changes people that are affected by it. Some people get angry at the world, some depressed, some even feel liberated by it. Mostly negative things from the deaths of our loved ones. I was glad to see that the family was just as spunky as usual. The wife who had lost her husband was doing okay. She seemed somewhat happy and fun as usual. She hadn't been changed by that. That's not to say that this family wasn't hurt or affected by the death of their patriarch, just that it wasn't going to define them. To rule them.


Welcome to the Show

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing a concert. Performing at this concert were Brennan Strawn, The Violet Burning, and Kevin Max. Brennan Strawn was a bit strange. His ideas were good, but his vocal meandering really pulled away from the show, not to mention his physical antics. After the first song, I wasn't minding it, but by the end I was ready for him to stop a while ago.

The Violet Burning were up next. They put on a solid rock show. They were tight and entertaining. The music was solid and the banter between the band and the crowd was funny. Musically they were very enjoyable and didn't play long enough.

Kevin Max was last. I was intrigued to hear what he was like since leaving DCTalk. Well, one thing is for sure, his ego has not sunk one bit. I am not even sure that his ego fit in the building last night. He acted like he should be the only thing anyone was paying attention to. When the crowd did not agree with him, he proceeded to bust on the crowd for the rest of the evening. Funny thing though was that he came back out for an encore that wasn't heartily requested by the crowd. Musically his band was solid and although I thought he tried to do too much vocally, the songs were solid and the band was tight.



Have you ever really wanted something? Done everything to get it. And sometimes we still don't know if it will work. I am in that situation right now. I have an opportunity that really excites me and I just hope that it works out, but I am not sure that it will. It is one of those last minute things where there doesn't seem to be enough time. Emails were flying everywhere today trying to figure out information. And a lot was figured out.

You ever wonder what references say about you. I always pick references that I think will speak good of me, but I never know for sure. I want them to be honest, but also speak well of me. Maybe I am just asking too much. I currently have to pick references that I hope will be kind and speak highly of me. It shall be tricky.

If you are probably confused right now and wondering what I am talking about. I have the chance to live in Germany for a couple years as an RA for high school students at Black Forest Academy. We shall see.


So I just found out that a friend of mine's dad passed on to a brighter life. And you know what...It Sucks! It hurts and it's not even in my family. I just feel hurt for my friend. It has to just be awful for him. The pain and loss.

It's not fair, yet these things happen every day. To people that I don't know. I don't even bat an eye. Then it hits close and it's different. This ugly thing called cancer. So many medical advances and yet there still isn't much that we can do.

I just am at a loss right now. And the important thing is that I am there for my friend. I don't have advice, I don't know what to say. All I can do is be there. This is the only thing that is in my head right now.

Our God reigns...Forever His kingdom reigns!!


Reflections of a Tenebraic Weekend

1. Under the blood red sky
2. Certain scenes are just chilling to the bones
3. A sound system needs to breathe every once in a while
4. 8am to 11.39pm is a long day
5. Wawa is better than Sheetz
6. I missed the best chocolate milk I have ever had
7. Isn't there something odd about an Amish dude buying chew?
8. Sometimes guys can be talked into work for the dumbest thing
9. The weather was beautiful this weekend
10. I like games
11. The Orioles are over .500
12. Even when you are concentrating on technical things, you can be affected
13. I got all dressed up in a suit for my momma
14. It is nice to see family
15. I like food
16. I had ice cream twice over the weekend; that's almost a quarter of my yearly intake
17. Is there a difference between prophecy and a word from God?
18. Churches need to be places of do's, not of don'ts
19. I hope that my blog isn't depressing
20. Leftovers from big meals are wonderful
21. For the first time ever, I turned in my taxes on the last day possible
22. Some U2 covers are just truly not good
23. I was called an ignorant imbecilic idiot (I think that is redundant)
24. Happy Easter Monday!



We all know those people. The ones that always have the right answers. The ones that never have any doubt. They don't react positively when you are struggling with your faith and your beliefs. They always give the Sunday school answer. Are they the ones to aspire to be like?

I don't think so. I think that it is not only good to question what you believe, but required. When we ask questions, it makes us look for answers. We dig deep to find out why we believe what we believe and if we should believe. Without asking these questions, our faith would just be a very shallow thing. If we don't question, we are most likely just living by a set of rules that we lived under as a child.

I always want to question, because to question is to grow. I recently heard Donald Miller talk about this same subject. I agree with his conclusion. People that don't question need to grow up and mature. They are just going along as a child and refuse to grow up.

Do you question or just blindly accept? I urge you to question.


Dancing the night away

This past weekend I had the pleasure of seeing the movie Take the Lead. I enjoyed the movie and thought it was quite well done even with Antonio Banderas. When the movie was over, this question was asked, 'Did that put you in the mood to go dance?' I don't think that I actually answered the question then, but I have thought about it.

I enjoy dancing. I did swing for three years while attending college. I have gone dancing a couple of times since college, but not very often. Why? I like to dance with a partner. I got used to this in college and just don't like dancing with a bunch of different girls. I like to get to know one person and being very used to where each of us is going.

I also find dancing to be romantic. It's one thing to just dance with people, but I think that it is something so much more to dance with someone of the significant other type. There is just a specialness about it.

So yeah, I was in the mood to dance, but...


Reflections of a Paper Clip Weekend

1. I drove the ghetto mini-van
2. It's noob not newb, oops
3. I love the movie Gladiator
4. Spending a day and night with a bunch of high school guys is a bit interesting
5. Germany
6. It was frickin' cold on Saturday, a balmy 35
7. I saw rain, sleet and snow all at the same time
8. I really really hate cold showers
9. Why must churches perpetuate the myth of "The ONE" for single people?
10. Take the Lead is a good movie
11. Ultimate frisbee vs Football...
12. Messiah College's concert choir is very good...they were better when I was in it ;-P
13. Is it wise?
14. Burgers and dogs on the grill, not much better
15. Paintball and face shots go together
16. Boxers...
17. 'Holy is the Lord' by Chris Tomlin should not be done choral style
18. Why are musicians such egomaniacs?
19. I helped destroy 3 dvd players yesterday...oops
20. I like doubles volleyball
21. Why is Boiling Springs, PA historic?
22. Kandern, Germany


Proud of ya, sis

Last night I had the chance to see Little Shop of Horrors. It has been a Broadway musical for a while and my sister's high school decided to do it. My sister was one of the Do-wop girls. They did a good job with it. I enjoyed it and even laughed a couple of time. Also the musical is a lot darker than the movie.

A while ago, I had the chance to see my sister again in her high school's all-chicky a capella group. They also did a very good job with all of them having songs and solos. Here's to my sis who has become music singing extraordinaire. Keep doing it and doing it well. You're good with boat loads of talent.

Live in the Moment

A lady named Maggie Dixon was the head coach of the Army women's basketball team. She had worked in the DePaul University women's program for a few years working her way up the ladder. She was offered the Army head coaching job shortly before the season started. For a program that never does anything and is usually bad, she took them to win their conference championship and make the NCAA tournament.

A couple of days ago she collapsed and last night she passed away. She had a heart arrhythmia episode. Oh and I did I mention...she was 28. My age. Wow. There was no warning and no idea that she might have this issue. Just bam, and she was gone.

Here are some well-written articles about this: first, second. There is pain and questioning in their words. I don't have any answers either. I don't understand. This stuff just...well...happens. It sucks.


One of my Favorite Writers

Last night I had the privilege of hearing Donald Miller speak. I thought that he may lecture or talk about a couple points, but he choose rather to do a couple book readings. First he read an article called Tolkien was no hobbit. He took some questions and then read the first chapter of his new book To Own a Dragon.

His delivery in speech is much like his books. Very unassuming, humorous yet thoughtful. He shared many different thoughts while reading, before and after reading. Things that I am still pondering.

One of them was this. Poverty is mentioned in the Bible over 200 times. Homosexuality is mentioned twice(this can be debated due to some inferences, but still not close to 200). I don't believe that we can ignore what the Bible says on anything even once, but what an indictment on the American church. We are very passionate and hear a lot about homosexuality, but rarely poverty.


MySpace Music day

Here is some music to check out. Some are friends, some are places, some are bands I have been referred to.

Andy Zipf
Will Pavone
Stephanie Cuomo
Need to Breathe

The Gathering

Going to hear Donald Miller tonight and am looking forward to it. I also saw some snow on the ground this morning. That was an April surprise.


America's Favorite Pastime?

Baseball's opening day was yesterday and for the 6th straight year the Baltimore Orioles won their opening game. If this follows through the season, this is not a good sign. They haven't had a winning season for 9 years. That's a long time. Since I don't have much hope for them to do anything, I hope that we see someone different in the playoffs and World Series. That's my hope.

Something to think about...
...i stretch out my hands to you; my soul longs for you, as a parched land. answer me quickly, o lord, my spirit fails; do not hide your face from me, or i will become like those who go down to the grave...

Just Not a Talent

News Flash...

I am not good at foosball. I have tried and I usually get my butt handed to me. I even have a person that loves to remind me how horrible I am. And I am pretty bad.

Elsewhere, ever notice how a conversation with a friend can just lift some spirits? I had a person whom was very honest with me today, yet at the same time, caring. It was refreshing and needed. It truly put me in a better mood.

The Final Four has truly been bad with none of the games even close. The championship game is currently a 20 point game. A shame after a great tourney.


Reflections of a Crappy Weekend

This weekend was bad. I don't have a lot of good to say, but rather than just say a bunch of negative things, I'll try to highlight the positive.

1. Cate Blanchett is a good actor
2. I like the youth group at my church
3. The youth leaders really care for each other
4. They really make an effort to ask how I am doing and not forget
5. The differences between men and women are fun
6. Laughter is healthy, I don't do it enough
7. I really consider RE to be a mentor of mine
8. Panels for embarrassing questions are something else


Clarity Sake

I do not in any way want to promote or suggest the use of a banned substance like marijuana. It was just a simple thought as to whether the things we find repulsive are repulsive because they have been portrayed that way or that they are actually horrible.