
Reflections of a Uncliscious Weekend

1. Ikea is awesome
2. Chick-fil-A is delicious
3. Adventures are fun
4. Where is the grocery store?
5. Sometimes it is really nice to drive in the rain
6. Saturday afternoon drives are relaxing
7. If it had been colder we would have gotten snow...GRRR
8. I think my niece actually may have recognized me
9. I hope my brother did
10. Lasagna is a favorite food of mine
11. My brother's designing abilities are impressive
12. Why is it easier to see other's gift before your own?
13. Relaxing is nice
14. It stinks to be left out
15. It's good to see a friend that you haven't seen in a month or so
16. Super Bowl party food is good
17. It can make you sick though
18. I love cheese
19. I didn't throw my hat once
20. Great friends are a gift that you can't take for granted
21. I like to sleep
22. 'Lasagna' is not in the spell checker
23. Have a great week


stephen said...

24. The girls at Towson love us.

And by "love," I mean "honk their horn at us. in all likelihood because they are under the influence of something and seeing us run across the street with alchohol makes us desirable."