
I Don't Know - Part 2

I'm 28 years old. I haven't had a permanent job in almost two years. I have had a few job searches. I don't even know what benefits are anymore although I do know what sports injuries are. I'm single with no prospects on the horizon.

I have no idea what to do with my life. I don't know where I am headed with my career. I would like to have a family one day and wouldn't mind owning a house someday. I'm lost. I have no idea where to start. I feel like I've been spun around and then told to go towards the goal. I can't see the goal and don't even know what it looks like as well as being dizzy trying to reach it. I am not sure what I am supposed to do next or where I am supposed to look. I have been looking for two years in some areas and that clearly hasn't worked so I need to look somewhere else.

Somehow I am still doing okay and every once in a while even have some fun. I guess I have to find myself before I start looking, but that really sounds like a cliche. I guess I just don't know. Maybe I don't know anything.


Lara said...

It sortof feels like we're supposed to have it all figured out by now, huh?

Well... I don't either. Join the club.

Anonymous said...

Matt, I know this isn't much comfort, but you are not the only one. Check out this post:

Proteinstar said...

Perhaps the house, the family with 2.5 kids and a dog isn't the goal.

Perhaps your goal is different.