
The Sky Screams

So last night at small group I had everyone write down their own interpretation of Psalm 19. It ended up being pretty cool. Everybody has a unique world view when they read and what they get out is different. Last night was no different. Each person focused on different parts of the Psalm and provided a learning experience. It was nice because I heard things in a way that I would have never come up with. If I only hear my thoughts I don't get a full perspective. This gave me a much broader perspective than I have ever had on the Psalm. A great experience given to my thought by Mr. David Crowder who wrote "Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi' It is an awesome book that I recommend to all...and we had pizza too.

Yesterday I saw Final Four tickets being sold on E-bay. One person had two tickets and his required starting bid was $13000. OH MY WORD. Are you kidding me? The face value is between $250 and $500. I hate scalping. Real sports fans that want to see the games can't get tickets because everybody else buys them up and then resells the tickets for an outrageous sum of money. Something greatly wrong with society today.