
Why do some people have sticks up their butts?

I am on the softball team at church. Last night we were going to have practice on a field that was just outside the development. So I get there and find out that we are not allowed to practice on the field. Why? Because one of the people in the development decided that they didn't like us practicing there. Were they going to use the field? No. Just wanted to cause trouble. Therefore we were not able to practice last night.

So what do I do? Practice is cancelled but I still would like to get some exercise on this beautiful day. So I decided to run on the fitness trail. Wow, did I forget how steep it was in parts. It isn't extreordinarily long, but still gives quite the workout with steep ups and downs. The good thing though is that it is covered in wood chips which is a fantastic running surface.

Well enough of that. I get together with a bunch of friends each week and play games. Last night we played Heroscape. Not bad. I almost won. I was in a pretty controlling position, but alas, due to some bad die rolls and good plays by others, I lost. Oh well. I had a good time hanging out.