
Pennsylvania Peeves

Why are you still allowed to smoke inside in Pennsylvania? I was over at the Bear's Den this past weekend to watch to Final Four. In the midst of greatly enjoying the food and watching the game, I started to become annoyed. Two people at different tables around me lit up their ciggarettes with no concern for others. The consequences of second-hand smoke have been proven over and over. States everywhere are preventing smoking from occurring inside restaurants. But PA, nope. We seem to not have a problem with people causing health problems for other people. Oh well.

Opening for baseball is today. Yippee. I know a lot of people do not enjoy MLB, but I do. Hopefully my Orioles will pick it up this year and finish over .500. And my pick for the World Series is the Cardinals over the Twins.

In other news, props to a good gal pal of mine who got engaged over the weekend. May a life of happiness bless her and her soon-to-be hubby.