
All is right with the world

Looking at the baseball standings is a feel-good move for me right now. See, in sports, I have very strong dislike for two specific teams: the Duke Blue Devils of college basketball and the New York Yankees of the MLB. My favorite baseball team is the Baltimore Orioles. Right now, 14 games into the season, the Orioles are in first place in the AL East and the Yankees are in last. This is an absolutely wonderful thing.

For all of you Stars Wars fans, check out what they are doing in London. That's a long time to watch some movies. My other question is what order will they be shown in. The third one is missing. Nothing like taking an idea from Lord of the Rings.

I am going to the Outback this evening. I haven't been there in a while and really enjoy the food. It will be what I am sure is a very enjoyable time. If you have never had it, next time try something different and get the Alice Springs chicken. It is a great dish. Of course this assumes that you don't need or really want steak at a steak place.


Proteinstar said...

Truely the A.S. Chicken is a worthy dish. Smothered in honey mustard and bacon...drool.

Actually it's not that hard to make yourself.


has a pretty could recipe for it.

Granted its a heartattack on a plate.