
My feet hurt

I have just finished a day of learning. It was a lot of information to take in. If you don't know, our church is moving into a new building. With that comes new technology. For those of you who don't know, one of my abilities is sound engineering. I have pretty extensive experience and have worked on many different boards. Let me clarify...analog boards. The board the church got for the new sanctuary? Digital. Let me quickly tell you the difference. With an analog board, all the buttons that are in front of you is all that the board does. With a digital board, the main part is the computer with a few buttons on the board to help run the software. Totally different mindset. Should be complex. After a day of training though, I must say that I think I have a pretty good handle on it. Not that I know everything or even close to everything, but I thnk that I could do a decent job tomorrow if I needed to run the board. I look forward to learning a lot more about it.

I don't knowing why I am writing about this because nobody else probably cares, but I am anyway. I guess just to say that I love to learn and this is another opportunity to soak in information.


Proteinstar said...

I tend to soak "up" information. But in is fine too. Just not as fine.

Nathan Hackman said...

I told that proteinstar was an elitist.