
Things that make you go...

  • It's hot. Really hot (upper 90s and humid). And I don't really like heat. In fact, there isn't any other weather I like less than this. I would rather have anything before this. Obviously excluding natural disasters.
  • Would you? I know someone who really wanted to do something. He didn't have a purpose behind it, except wanting to. This action of his caused others to be inconvenienced. He knew that others would be inconvenienced. He still did want he wanted without regard for others, only thinking of himself and what he wanted. Although I strive not to, I am sure that I have done things like this. Hopefully we all can continue to grow think less of ourselves and more of others.
  • I saw Cars over the weekend. It was hilarious, pee-my-pants hilarious. Anyway, a very enjoyable movie which was definitely worth it.
  • I also saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Good stuff. A middle movie to be sure, but it was still entertaining.