
Do you pick your nose?

Do you ever wonder if you are annoying to people? Or what your annoying traits are? What about if you smell or have a disgusting habit? I have been noticing lately that there are so many things that we talk about with other people, but won't tell the person whom we are referring to.

Now I think that this comes from wanting to not hurt the person so we choose not to say anything. I know I figure many times that it isn't worth saying anything, because I should just deal with it. But in doing all of the honest, I am not being honest. And in not being honest, I am not doing the most that I can to promote a feeling of realness and openness to my friends. Then I wonder why they aren't always open with me.

Now should we go around telling everyone anything and everything that annoys us or that they do wrong? No, there is a line there, but a little more honesty probably wouldn't hurt anyone and may even improve each other.

So I wonder if I have annoying traits or disgusting habits that people don't tell me...Nah.