
It's Over

Well, I am resigning to the fact that winter is over. Way over. Wait, did it ever start? This is the first of a string of days that may hit 60 or 70. No more winter left. This has been one of the worst winters that I can remember. We languished in the upper 40s and 50s in January. We had a total of three snowstorms, with the third not really deserving of being called a snowstorm.

So why has nature cursed us so? I don't know. All I know is that most of my friends and family are very happy that this winter was so lame. Well, here's to you schmucks.

Here's hoping for next year.


Anonymous said...

I so feel your pain. This was my first winter in New York and I had been so looking forward to snow. Remember the big snow right before Valentine's Day? I MISSED it and got stranded in Dallas as a result.


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah winter is over let summer begin