
The Infirmity of a Socialite

I love people. I love to be around people. I love to talk to people. On the other hand, I don't like to be alone. I don't like quiet. Many people are not socialites, including most of my friends. This creates an interesting phenomenon.

I am always calling people to do something or to talk. They could care less if they are doing something with someone. They are just as happy, by themselves, at home. I am not happy by myself at home. So they don't call me. Since I am the one that wants to do something, I usually have to do what they want and hope it is something that I want to do so that I can avoid staying home. If they don't want to do something, they just will enjoy hanging alone and respectfully decline an invitation.

Sometimes I get stubborn and sick of making the contact. When this happens, people don't contact me because they are perfectly content and just don't think about it. This always blows up in my face because I end up miserable since I can't handle being by myself.

So this is my problem. Nobody does anything wrong(maybe I do), it is just the difference between types of people. Maybe I just need to find more friends. Or learn to deal with being alone.

Well, there you go. A glimpse of me. This has been a sharing moment brought to you by the Matt Foundation.


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate the way you open yourself up in your posts. Not many people are as brutally honest with themselves as you are.

I think that when it comes to the mix of people we hang around we tend to assume that everybody has the same relational style that we do. I a sure that when you go through periods when you don't call, your friends miss it.

Have a good weekend!