
Has Prayer Become an Excuse

Many things happen at church, but one thing that you can guarantee is someone saying to someone else, "I'll pray for you." Now this is a good thing that has shown benefits, but I have a question. Has it become an excuse? Has it become a guilt free release from responsibility?

There are many things that are beyond everyone's control, but there are things that happen that other people can help with: Sell a house, give financial advice, help with a job search, etc. People have problems every day that can be solved by the help of others. This should be one of the great advantages of a church community, but is it?

I don't think so. I think people have stopped wanting to put the effort in of assisting another person. They just say "I'll pray for you" and go on with their lives, glad that they don't have to act. Prayer has become an excuse for no action. Churches need to be places of action. We need to be doing concrete things to help each other. Is prayer a good thing? Yes, but not the only thing.

It is time to act.


Proteinstar said...

Nice. I agree entirely.

oh...and I won :)

stephen said...

I think that in the same manner that Bonhoeffer refers to "cheap grace" and "costly grace," there is a "cheap love" and a "costly love." The cheap form being a form of lip-service, and the costly being action.