

As I was sitting talking with my grandmother yesterday, I realized something. We aren't that different. She was talking about her girls that she does stuff with. I have my boys that I do stuff with. She was talking about places that she would like to go and see. I have places in the world that I would like to see. She plays computer games. Well, let's not go there.

I was just surprised that even though we have many many years between us, not much changes. How we express things changes, some of the hobbies change, but our hopes and dreams and fond memories are very comparative. So here's to my grandmother who would like to see Alaska and maybe someday make it up to Nova Scotia.

And completely unrelated to that...have you ever had somebody ask to pray for you and then pray. And when they do it, they lay hands on you. That is just something completely special and, for a moment and maybe even a little while makes you feel better.


Nathan Hackman said...

Old people play some strange computer games.