

Ever have those things that make you go grrr. I had a big one of those today. I love nature. I know that many of you will give me a fake AW, but oh well. I also have yet to see any sort of large mountain ranges. Neither the Appalachians or the Black Forest really count. There is a tall hill in the Black Forest called Hochblauen. It is between 3 and 4 km from my dorm. It is also one of the higher points in the Black Forest. On a clear day you can see the Alps from the point.

Yesterday was the first sunny day in a while. I was hoping to get people to go with me. Anyway, I made it up after getting lost and going way out of my way. It is still a gorgeous site, but I was unable to see the Alps. Well, I was pooped after a hard hike and being out of shape my muscles were killing me today.

Today people decided to go up. 6 people in fact. And the kicker the Alps were the clearest that they have been in a while. Grrr!!! Not that anyone was to blame, but it is quite depressing that I was unable to see the Alps. Hopefully one day.