
there's no place that I could be without you

Honesty: What a thing. It is so specific and hard to completely carry out. Sometimes complete honesty surprises me. Yesterday, someone came and told me something. I was surprised at the honesty. The thing that they told me was miniscule. It didn't get them in trouble and they had to go out of their way to tell me. It was more of a hassle to tell me than not to.

That is what I mean by complete honesty. It was refreshing and showed that the person was a true person of integrity. I need to work on that. I think that I am a pretty honest person. Some would even say blunt, but I don't know if I would have gone that far.

Props to anyone who can identify the song lyric of a title without using the internet.


Nathan Hackman said...

"Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix A Lot.