
Reflections of a Graduation Weekend

1. Congrats to my sister who graduated high school!!
2. This is where she is going next year
3. I like crab
4. Good graduation speeches make a point quickly without a lot of flair and fluff
5. It is nice to have a relaxing weekend where you can calm yourself
6. Ever notice how some people are extremely intimidating in their actions even if they don't mean it?
7. Luggage is useful when planning a trip
8. Busch Gardens Williamsburg is a beautiful park
9. Alpengeist may be my favorite roller coaster ever
10. Williamsburg can be a bit rainy
11. The only good campsites around Williamsburg are KOAs
12. Lots of fun tripping with the sis to VA
13. I like WAWA
14. Mmm, hoagies
15. It's a shame when you don't feel well on your big day
16. Lochness Monster coaster is a sweet ride
17. I like Irish music
18. German women ain't too bad either :-)
19. I tried to teach my niece how to stick her tongue out, but she's not quite old enough for that one
20. The US is horrible this World Cup
21. 3-nil to the Czechs would not be a respectable score
22. Let's hope they can at least get one point this World Cup
23. Cheers!