

Goodbyes...I hate them, but they are necessary. You need that closure with all of this stuff. Especially when you work with someone in an emotionally stress-filled state. Why do people create deeper relationships in stress-filled places. We hear stories of people that fought in wars by each other and the bond that is created. Maybe it is because we rely more on others in those hard times. I don't know.

In other news, man, I don't like the Colts. I really really don't like them. I am also totally sick of Peyton Manning. Maybe now that they won the Super Bowl, I will stop hearing about Peyton all the time and how perfect he is. It was a bad game last night and I am not sure that it was worth staying up till 4.30 am for the game. I am feeling it today.


Anonymous said...

Well maybe Peyton Manning doesn't like you either. Just because you are sick of hearing about him, does not mean that you can not like him!