
I'm Addicted

Band of Brothers got me. I avoided it for so long, but I am done. Monday I watched 2 episodes and Tuesday on my day off I watched 5 more.

What a series. I can't wait to watch the last 3. It is so well done. The colours, the story, the production. Wow, it is so enthralling. Amazing. Not for the squeamish at all though. And not light. It is emotionally draining. Especially parts 5 and 6.

I can't wait to start it over again and I haven't even finished it.


Nathan Hackman said...

Dude, read the book. The TV series is very accurate, but the book has so much more detail. you could probably tear through it in a week or two.

Anonymous said...

The DVD set is great, too, and it isn't too expensive. My set came bith "behind the scenes" stuff, and it came in a nice metal box.

Nathan Hackman said...

Whole crap!! Superswede is back! I'm feeling faint.